Yep, back in the early 80’s, Trebek was hosting this Canadian production, which was syndicated in America. What makes this worthwhile is the afro’d, mustachioed host, a gentleman named Alex Trebek. In and of itself, Pitfall is only slightly amusing and interesting, and only then in the bonus round, which is featured in this clip. But even with this somewhat easily-recognizable star, the show only lasted six episodes.

The You Don’t Know Jack series of computer and video games are very popular, so it’s no surprise that an attempt was made to turn them into a real life game show. Tom Green appeared on three of the six episodes that aired. It’s a pretty solid premise, but I imagine they may have struggled to get people to agree to do it. A person would claim they could perform a stunt, and celebrities would wager an amount of money on whether or not they thought the person could do it. This show was basically like America’s Got Talent, with more wagering and less self-aggrandizement. Kids were asked to basically “be in” a video game, and ninety percent of the time they couldn’t figure out the logistics. But it’s the final round of this game that is most notable, and, as an adult looking back, most ridiculous. There was a small trivia component (akin to many game shows), but there was also a “watching people play video games” portion, which… could be somewhat dull (as you might imagine). Nick Arcade was more short-lived, and a bit different.

Nickelodeon had about a million game shows for children, but most of them involved a lot of slime, other messy stuff, and Marc Summers. You likely don’t think about a Saturday morning game show for kids. When you think of Tales from the Crypt and the Cryptkeeper, a lot of bad puns probably come to ming.

Secrets of the Cryptkeeper’s Haunted House Here are 16 of the best, most unusual and obscure game shows in television history.ġ6. Many game shows have fallen through the cracks over the years, and they deserve their moment of recognition. However, all game shows are not alike-not every host is a right wing buffoon, and not every show has a lofty legacy. Even if you aren’t watching the Game Show Network it’s interesting that one can almost always find a game show on television. Many game shows have stood the test of time, like Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. Game shows are like reality TV, but more interesting and less morally bankrupt (usually).